Truffle is a 2 year old Miniature Smooth Haired Dachshund who lives in Kensington with William and Daniella.
William grew up with Cairn Terriers and Daniella was more of a cat person but when she met a colleague’s Daxie, she agreed with William that they should get a dog. After 20 years together, this became a reality when Daniella gave up work. Sitting in The Scarsdale Tavern one day they decided it was finally the right time and started to do some research on the breed. And where to get a pup.
Then on holiday in Devon they happened to bump into a Daxie from the breeders Dayjaris. They immediately fell in love and set about getting their own little sausage. After a 2 hour interview with the breeder, they were approved and Truffle joined the family. They are now inseparable and this sassy little sausage can be found strutting her stuff along High Street Kensington with William and Daniella in tow!
We met Truffle at The Scarsdale Tavern, where it all began, and asked her about her London life:
What do you love most about living in London?
How many people there are, because I just love people. I love to go to pubs and shops where people can say hello to me. If someone walks past me I stop and look them and raise my paw. “Hey human have you not noticed how cute I am?”
We know you like your local pub The Scarsdale Tavern. What other dog friendly places do you like to visit?
There’s nothing I like better than to sit in or outside a cafe with my bestie @daphnethewondersossige and watch the people going by. After a walk in Holland Park we sometimes go to the Holland Park Cafe or Cafe Phillies which is another good local spot. When we go to Chiswick, I get to see my friends at Pads & Paws in the farmers market and pick up some of their tasty treats. Another favourite is Lisboa Patisserie where mummy and daddy have Portuguese Nata tarts and I get to have a bit of custard. I really love custard. Oh and another great pub is The Queens Head in Brook Green.
Apart from custard, what else do you like to eat?
I’m not a greedy doggie but I have my favourites. I eat Luna and Me raw food which I love. I have recently had to have a break from my favourite treats which are Waitrose Venison and Tripe Sausages because I go too crazy for them. Plus Daddy almost ate one by mistake 😂😂
Thanks to you Archie I have now discovered I also really like The Rockster treats.
Apart from Holland Park, where do you like to go for walkies?
I like Richmond Park or a walk along the river to Chiswick then afterwards we go to the Bell and Crown.
What about outside of London, any favourite places to visit?
I like to go to Henley on Thames because I love rivers and barking at the swans. I also enjoy my holidays in Devon. I learnt to swim there and of course it’s where I was born so it must be good.
We know this doesn’t happen often, but what do you when mummy and daddy have to leave you?
I don’t like being home alone so I go to Barney and Rosies to see my boyfriend Colin. Mummy and daddy love it when I get excited at the mention of his name. (Sorry Jester I still love you too).
What else do you do that makes your humans smile?
Oh everything I do makes them smile. They love how clever I am, like how I know all the names of my toys and always bring them the one they ask for and how I can find a sausage hidden anywhere in the house. I also know exactly how to get their attention by stamping my feet and grunting until they look at me. They make me very happy too by spending lots of time with me and they even let me sleep by their heads every night. I love to cuddle their heads.
Why did you start an Instagram page?
Come on, who wouldn’t want to see my beautiful face every day? My daddy manages this for me and he started it because he got so much joy from following other doggies before I came along that he wanted me to do the same for others. I have inspired people to get Daxies so that can’t be a bad thing.
Well we certainly love to see what you get up to! Who do you like to follow?
Apart from my sausage family all over the world, I really like @squidthegriff. His little face really makes me giggle.
What are your plans for 2019?
Just lots more fun and people watching with mummy and daddy. We will have another holiday to Devon in the summer and I’m sure I’ll be invited to lots of friend’s birthday parties.