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The Cavdashians

Tilly, Marnie and Maddie are three King Charles Cavalier spaniels, collectively known as The Cavdashians!

Prettier and with considerably more personality than their human namesakes, these gorgeous girls are living their best lives in South West London with their humans Ellie and Dean.

When they moved back from Sydney in 2013, Ellie and Dean had their hearts set on a boy puppy but Tilly and Marnie turned on the charm and changed their minds. They then had the difficult decision of choosing between them and Tilly got lucky. However, these sisters were fated to be together and two years later Ellie and Dean returned to the breeder to discover they still had Marnie. Instead of choosing another puppy that day Marnie was brought back to London and reunited with her sister Tilly. Ellis and Dean wanted to check that they would get along but they needn’t have worried.

“It was as if they had never been apart when we re-introduced them and they immediately bonded, cuddling and running around the house and garden just like they were puppies again.”

Then in March 2018 Ellie was devastated to read about another beautiful girl who had been rescued by Many Tears. Dean took matters into his own hands and a week later Tilly and Marnie welcomed Maddie into their sisterhood. A year later, the tiny, skinny dog with a poor coat and skin is a totally different dog who makes them all smile.

We asked the girls about life with Ellie and Dean:

What do you love most about living in London?

We love living in London because we get to hang out with so many furiends and our hoomans. We find it’s a very dog friendly place and public transport makes it easy for us to get around.

Any favourite places you like to visit outside of London?

We have travelled a lot around England. Our favourite places are anywhere where there is a sandy beach. We like to chase balls and try to outrun each other - like our human namesakes, we are all really competitive! Our top three beaches are Camber Sands, Botany Bay near Broadstairs, and Mawgan Porth in Cornwall.

You girls have busy social lives. What dog-friendly places would you recommend?

Ooooohhhhhh, we have many! There is so much to do in London and many dog friendly venues we are discovering all the time. But our absolute favourite places recently are Exhibit B, The Tulse Hill Hotel, The Rookery, and The Prince Albert, Brew Dog Clapham, Neverland, Tell Your Friends, Smith and Whistle, and for a special occasion, afternoon tea at the Rosewood Hotel.

How do you occupy yourselves while your humans are at work?

Our hoomans make us go for a long walk early in the morning then we like to sleep a lot! They must love us so much, because they actually work from home most of the time so we get to see them nearly every day :)

If they need to go away, or leave us at home for more than a few hours, we have a fab and fun doggy daycare we go to - Noah's Bark Doggy Daycare, while they do whatever hoomans do.

And where do you like to take your long walks?

We live in South West London and are very fortunate to have lots of great places to play - Tooting Common, Clapham Common, Dulwich Park, Brockwell Park, Battersea Park, Wandsworth Common, are all very local to us and offer us plenty of green space to run around, hunt for squirrels and meet more furiends!

How do you make your humans smile?

We are all so different, so there is a lot of opportunity to shine!

Tilly - I am super cheeky and can do a few tricks, my favourite one is to sit like a meerkat which I often get a treat for!

Marnie - I’m super soppy, the hoomans just love to cuddle me.

Maddie - I’m a rescue doggie, so everything is still new to me. I just bark and like to play with anything squeaky!

What treats do you like to get in return for entertaining the humans?

We have so many, but our favourite ones are: Forthglade’s Love Treats and all of the Soopa range!

When did you become The Cavdashians?

Our name actually came from a good friend of ours Imogen from Lady and The Hound. She came up with it one day at her company’s first birthday party and gave us an award for being the most pampered pooches…!

You girls are an Instagram sensation. Whose Instagram page do you most enjoy following and why?

@LucytheRescueCavalier - she inspired us to rescue Maddie and helped us learn about the horrors of puppy farming. We were fortunate to meet her a few years ago at Pup Aid.

What are your plans for 2019?

We have lots planned in the next few months from taking part in London Dog Week, Dogs In The City Brunch, visiting some of our good furiends - Sora in Hastings, and our Cavalier furiends Denver and Oakley in Norfolk for The Barking Bugle’s annual dog show on the beach. In May we are heading to Dogstival in the New Forest - the first festival dedicated for us doggies…!

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