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Updated: Apr 27, 2019

Jester is a mini wirehaired dachshund boy with very short legs, a great moustache, and a bark that would put some big dogs to shame! He lives in Chelsea with Paulina who has always loved daxies because of their big personalities and because they look so silly. Paulina still laughs whenever she sees a dachshund run.

What do you love about living in London?

I love that there are so many people who always say hello to me! It makes me even like to go shopping with the human because I’m small and very handsome so I get to go everywhere and also get away with everything.. The human says I’m very ridiculous, I say I know how to work my puppy eyes. We’re lucky to live very central so most of the time we can walk everywhere, which is really fun too. Especially in the city I’m often the only dog around, which is exactly how I like it, because it means I get lots and lots of attention and cuddles and people complimenting me.

I also love how many other dachshunds there are! I get to go to lots of events and make new friends, play and share treats with them. And there are quite a few pretty dachshund ladies in London.. I must admit I might have fallen madly in love once or twice..

Where do you like to go to strut your stuff for the ladies?

Hyde Park! It’s the closest park to us, so the human can just carry me there and there’s lots of space for me to run around. Also the pigeons and squirrels there a bit fat, which is great because it means they are slower, so perfect for my little legs! I’ve never caught anything, but that’s obviously because I’m such a nice boy and wouldn’t want to hurt them and not because I’m not fast enough!

I also quite like to walk in the city, having to wear a lead isn’t as fun but I get to go into lots of stores and restaurants and steal a few sweet potatoes from the human and say hello to all the busy Londoners! And as people here are quite mad for dogs, most of them say hello back!

Which dog friendly places would you recommend we try?

Chelsea in general is super dog friendly and if you are a small dog you can virtually get into anywhere other than food supermarkets or Harrods. I’ve yet to be told I can’t go inside, which might also be due to my mastery of the puppy dog eye look.

I really like Pavilion Road, it’s very pretty and there are also always lots of other dogs I can say hello to, and sometimes the human even lets me walk there without a lead as I am a very good boy. Well I can be.

I have an extensive list but these are some of my favourites:

+ All the little shops on Kings Road and Sloane Street where I get to snooze on armchairs and get cuddled by sales assistants while the human wastes money on things that aren’t toys or treats for me.

When you’re not breaking hearts around Chelsea, what places do you like to visit outside of London?

Sometimes we go to the countryside, which is fun because there is a lot more space to just run around. This summer, I went to Dorset and visited the beach, that was a lot of fun. But I’m a real Londoner at heart so I always love coming back to the city and use my loudest bark to make sure EVERYONE knows that the alpha sausage is back.

What do you do while your humans are at work?

Snooze! Beauty sleep is very important, especially now that I am a professional model, I need to take good care of myself. Normally I will get some home cooked food (sweet potatoes and beetroot are my favourite), the human will comb my very manly beard and then I will lie down on my armchair or on the humans laptop while she should be working.

Apart from running, what else do you do to make your humans smile?

Just by being my handsome self! And sometimes she also makes fun of my short legs.. and by sometimes I mean always.

What is your favourite photo on Instagram?

All of them! I have now mastered the art of modelling and can use my puppy eyes on demand! But probably my favourite ones are the ones with my friends on them. I love spending time and running around with all of them. It’s always lots of fun and we get to see new places and eat yummy treats. The other day we went to Regent’s Park with my friend Conchita ( @conchita_sass_qween ) and then the humans had some lunch and we even got a side order of baked sweet potatoes!

Who else do you like to follow?

Obviously I am a natural leader and dogs tend to follow me, not the other way around.. but I make an exception for Instagram. My favourite dogs to follow are obviously dogs in London, because I also get to meet them in person. There’s Daphne, Conchita, Mash, Daisy & Lilah, Hattie, Sula, Charlie, Ernie, Oscar and Eevvee, just to name a few whom I LOVE playing with!

But I also love all my friends abroad! Maybe one day the human and I will make a grand tour around of Europe to say hello to all my adorable friends and share a pupcake or two with them!

What are your favourite Instagrammable places in London?

It’s not always as easy to find a great spot for me since I am very close to the ground and the human often puts me on things so the pictures have a nicer background. We take a lot of pictures in front of flowers, as I am a very manly hound I don’t really mind. Also I like to snack on flowers sometimes, which the human doesn’t quite appreciate but she just has to deal with that.

The easiest places are always Instagram Cafés like EL&N and Peggy Porschen in Belgravia, Saint Aymes in Marylebone and Maître Choux on the Kings Road. The last two are super dog friendly and Saint Aymes even has a pink velvet dog bed. If you can’t tell the human really tries my manliness with all this pink..

Otherwise we like to take pictures in front of colourful doors, there are lots of lovely ones in our area and it makes it easier to take a nice pictures as I am higher up on the stairs and the human can actually get the door into the background.

What plans do you have for 2019?

Getting even more handsome than I already am (if that’s even possible) and making lots of new friends! I would love to start my own brand. Something simple, like a Chanel for dogs or maybe combs for us wires. I’m also considering having the human write my autobiography. But I’ll have to get back to you on that, as I need to talk to my funds manager (the human) about it first.

We are always keen to meet new friends so if you enjoyed reading all about Jester and would like to tell us your story please get in touch.

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